Budget 102 Public Service Announcement Video

“What does it take to keep a city running?” A man runs around town, on roads and past playgrounds, all with a dollar value. This PSA was meant to educate the public about the cost of keeping a city functioning.

Concept, Design, Illustration, Motion

City of Columbia

Video/Web/Social Media

Educating the public about the City of Columbia’s budget was not a simple matter. The populace of a large college town is inquisitive and requires information.
The project began with several pages of budget information from the accounting department. The challenge was turning these accounting digits into entertaining video that would explain to the public how taxes are spent by their city.
I developed a concept about someone running past fire engines, police cars, roads, and playgrounds. Each item would have a numeric cost that would be called out on screen.This concept was loosely based on the movie “Rocky” but the person in my video represented a working taxpayer and the City of Columbia, both. The man was running and tired but still empowered. I developed a title, “What Does it Take to Keep a City Running?” I was also inspired by Budweiser commercials. I liked their industrial quality and since the video was about construction, road maintenance, playgrounds, fire engines, and police cars, I thought that quality would be amenable. An employee of the City of Columbia volunteered to do the running. I determined the shot list and worked with my team of videographers to shoot the video.